Promoting Sustainability with a useable promotional item
When businesses are looking to give gifts to their past, current and future clients, often times they over look giving promotional items. This usually happens because they are worried that their items may get thrown away and their marketing efforts will have gone to waste. The perfect solution to make sure your money is put to good use is to provide your customers with useable promotional items that promote sustainability such as some box matches! These can be customized with your company information, shared with others to help gain a larger customer base and best of all; they are biodegradable which helps the planet!
What creates Sustainability?
Now you may be asking yourself, besides saving the planet, how does giving usable promotional items, such as a box of matches, promote sustainability? Sustainability is created when four different factors come together as one. These factors include human, social, economic and environmental sustainability segments.
Human Sustainability
In order for a business to reach human sustainability, they must envision
themselves as a member of society. As humans in today’s world, we are growing more and more towards living a GREEN lifestyle. If businesses can adapt to this by creating earth friendly production processes and promotional items, they will be ahead of their competitors and create long lasting client relationships.
Social Sustainability
The social factor of sustainability is established by preparing for the future generations by making a positive impact right now. You can do this by making your core values revolve around honesty, integrity, and equality. These will help to ensure the preservation among future generations.
Economic Sustainability
When you think of economic stability, what comes to mind – creating a stable economy that will steadily grow over the years? That’s correct! Businesses can help achieve this by using their assets wisely to maintain all of their profitability over time. In return, this will improve society’s quality of life!
Environmental Sustainability
When we protect our environment, that includes everything natural such as water, minerals, and trees just to name a few. Businesses can easily incorporate this into their promotional items by making sure the items can be used and reused such as tumbler, pen, or drink coasters! This way, nothing goes to waste.
Sustainability & Promotional Items
Incorporating useable promotional items that promote sustainability through all four factors should be apart of every marketing plan. Oftentimes, businesses focus so much on online marketing and forget that simple gestures, such as a gift, can have a long lasting affect when done correctly.
Just imagine, a client is trying to light candles around the house. They don’t use lighters because they prefer a biodegradable option such as matches. So they go into their junk drawer in the kitchen and grab the personalized box of matches that your company gave them as a gift to light their candles. Such a simple gesture with your company information can go a long way, helping to remind them of you each and every time they use your item!
Wagner Match has specialized in providing impeccable service to the hospitality, entertainment and service industries since 1981.
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