Custom Toothpick

10 ways to get noticed with custom toothpick packs for your customers

When it comes to promoting your business, you need to find ways that are cost-effective, while still making your business stand out from competition. Many of the best branded options bring your business to the attention of your potential customers multiple times. That means you need to find branding options that you can customize, which are also useful. Custom toothpicks are one branding option that can fit be a

Here are 10 ways to get your business noticed with custom toothpick packs for your customers.

1. Custom Toothpicks Are Useful

One of the most important factors in a quality custom promotional item is their usefulness. When you have custom toothpick packs, then you are giving your current and potential customers a useful item that they can keep with them. Not only will they see your brand on a regular basis, but they will also be sharing them, so others are going to be exposed to your brand as well.

2. Small and Light

If you choose custom toothpicks as your custom promotional item for a tradeshow, then you are choosing an item that is not likely to be discarded. After all, tradeshows are a long trek through a variety of vendors where attendees are receiving multiple promotional items, then the lighter items are likely to be picked up and kept. Plus, if they are useful, then they will likely be used throughout the tradeshow. Multiple exposures of your brand with a small but mighty promotional tool.

3. Turn Your Customers Into Brand Ambassadors

Print ads and commercials do not have the same power that they once did to promote a brand. When you choose to use promotional customizable items, such as custom toothpicks, then your customers carry your brand around with them. They are constantly being exposed to your brand every time they pull it out of their pocket. It also makes them brand ambassadors for the cost of a custom toothpick pack.

4. Breaks Out of Habits

Traditional marketing loses its ability to reach your customers because they gradually stop responding to the stimuli that they see on a regular basis. Your print ads and other marketing efforts might be falling short simply because they are becoming repetitive. By taking advantage of custom toothpick packs, you are breaking out of that normal and helping your customers to take a fresh look at your brand.

5. Create Selective Attention

When you create a customized promotional item, then you are trying to reach your customers’ subconscious mind. If you are able to reach it, then you are going to increase the likelihood that they are going to act to make a purchase from your brand. Marketing campaigns that use promotional items stand out, while providing a constant reminder to their subconscious.

6. Communicate a Simple Brand Message

Today, people have a hard time remembering someone’s name, let alone a brand’s website or contact information. Putting that information on a custom toothpick pack is going to give them the information they want. Along the way, you are also communicating a simple brand message that helps them identify why your products and services would be helpful for them.

7. Cost Effective

Here is another benefit for your brand and that is the fact that promotional items are cost-effective. You can take a small portion of your marketing budget and use it on these items that can be given out in your business or at tradeshows. No matter what your overall marketing strategy, then custom toothpicks can be a cost-effective part of that strategy.

8. Everyone Likes Free Stuff

Let’s face it. Having free promotional items, such as custom toothpick packs, are a great way to connect with customers because they love free stuff. Your brand is more likely to be called to mind, because they will remember it when they pull out their freebies. Plus, free items are what they will talk about, getting the word out to others.

9. Practical Items Are Kept

Custom toothpick packs are practical items. People tend to hold onto the promotional items that are practical and valuable versus those that seem frivolous. If your promotional items are practical, then your brand message will stay with your customers longer and be seen more frequently.

10. Small Means Options

When it comes to creating amazing promotional products, you don’t need to have a big platform to create a big impact. Customized toothpick packs provide a canvas to put your brand logo, colors, and message in a compact way that will make them likely to hang onto your promotional item that much longer.

If you are interested in exploring custom toothpick packs or other small unique custom promotional items, then we can help! Contact us today to learn about your options and how we can help get your brand message out or place an order directly. Our team is here to help you get the most out of your promotional items.

Wagner Match has specialized in providing impeccable service to the hospitality, entertainment and service industries since 1981.

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