Are you a restaurant owner looking for the perfect way to keep your customers coming back time after time?
Well, you have probably already worked out that you need to give your customers stellar service. You have probably also already worked out that you need to provide them with an excellent final impression.
If you are serving your customers after-dinner mints, you may be sorely mistaken about just how much you are letting them down. On the other hand, if you wanted to give your customers an impression that stays with them, you need to consider branded matches.
Here is why!
Branded Matches Give You a Professional Brand Image
Your business is not much more than your brand, and your brand is everything. When you put your brand on matchboxes and give them to your customers, you show them that you are a serious business that cares about its clientele.
Branded items give the appearance that your business has thought of everything and gone to all lengths.
They Create a Positive Image
When customers think about where they want to go for lunch or dinner, they immediately start thinking of the names of the various places they are considering.
If they are in a group of two or more, they are saying this out loud.
Now, what usually happens during this process? Usually, someone vetos at least one of the restaurants. They did not like the customer service, they ordered poorly, or some other thing.
On the other hand, some restaurants will get good reviews.
The key is to create an impression that gets your restaurant into this category. Customer gifts are a simple and effective way to create a positive emotional connection.
Custom matches can give you that connection and make your restaurant start appearing in a lot more of those conversations!
They Are Permanent Advertising
After-dinner mints are a nice touch, but they disappear in a few minutes. What about custom matchboxes?
They go home with your customer and are left in the kitchen for months or even years, and each time someone needs to light a stove, a candle, or a cigarette, they think of your restaurant.
Your branded matches can reach people in their homes in a way that your flyers and other advertising just cannot!
Traditional Aesthetic, Traditional Values
Branded matches are among the most classic items used by businesses for hundreds of years to create a lasting and positive impression on their clients. They are less used today, mostly because lighters have become so cheap.
But the classical allure of branded matches has not gone away, nor will it ever go away. Giving your customers a box of your very own matches says that you hold the traditional values for which the matchbox stands.
You care about good, old-fashioned customer service, and you care about creating a positive and enduring relationship.
If this is the kind of impression you want to be leaving, then ditch the dinner mints and start giving your customers branded matches!
If you are interested in connecting with your customers on a more meaningful level, why don’t you get a quote from us today?
Wagner Match has specialized in providing impeccable service to the hospitality, entertainment, and service industries since 1981.
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